Sunday 18 September 2011

Life is More Fun as a Cartoon Character

Hello!  I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Kyle and this is me as a cartoon character.  As a child I always wonder what it would be like to be in a cartoon, how fun life would be jumping from cloud to cloud, in a world where everything seems so wonderful, vibrant and even the grey rainy days are rich in colours.  This is the power of dreaming which I do often.  It is good to dream, because dreaming allows you to see beyond life’s boundaries.  I guess as a child, I was always looking above and beyond. I never saw lines on a colouring page as barriers but more of a starting point.  When you colour beyond these lines that is when you get to make your own image and really be able to identify with the whole picture.  This is how I derived my titles to this blog.  I realized that this is the kind of teacher I want to be; one who doesn’t put constraints on children’s ideas. I want to provide my students with a starting point that they can freely interpret what is being taught and then draw their own picture to be able to identify and understand better.

I am going to use this blog to share my reflections on my learning’s. It is through looking back on my learnings I will be able to move forward and be the dream teacher I have always dreamed of becoming. Right now I am a cartoon teacher 
(not real) or a picture that is just scribbles of colours.  I must learn the proper tools to be a great teacher.  These tools will allow me to make sense of those scribbled drawing and see the real picture and transform me from a dream cartoon teacher into a real one.  I am excited to have Language Arts as my starting point! 

Language Arts has always been a weakness for me, because I have struggled with Language Arts throughout my whole life I know how important it is to create a positive perception of Language Arts for the young learners.  A positive experience will allow students to create a solid foundation to forever grow from and use in all of their learning environments.